teacher grant recipient Angel Thomas

The Taylor Public School Foundation for Educational Excellence donated nearly $10,000 to teachers/principals across the district as part of its annual teacher grant program.

Fourteen teachers/principals were selected from many who applied for the grants. They will use the money to enhance their curriculums for their students. 

Those selected were:                       

Danielle Kopiczko Holland Elementary School
Katherine Wensorski   Holland Elementary School
Stacy Scarpace Blair Moody Elementary School
Craig Case  Taylor Career and Technical Education Center
Kimberly Mattoon Taylor High School
Samatha BanasHoover Middle School
Cynthia MeszarosRandall Elementary School
Donna CahalanRandall Elementary School
Lori Ruthruff Taylor Parks Elementary School
Jayme AndersonRandall Elementary School
Tracie HeidenreichRandall Elementary School
Cynthia AndrzejakRandall Elementary School
Angel Thomas Kinyon Elementary School
Joann FarmerWest Middle School

We'd like to thank the TPSFEE for their continued support for our students and staff.